Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Share Wardrobe Suez Cigarettes

Arrival Port of Suez. As usual in some ports where "Marlboro rules" I  "gear up" into my "official" suit.
This to intimidate a bit more, when it comes to authorities "requiring" and my "willingness" to supply.
This time my cabin was a bit dark so I did not see clearly how the trousers looked like when taken out of my bag. I just felt some floppy "gadgets" ahh! pocket lining, inside out...fixie fixie. But no..! to my disappointment they also turned out to bee much too "short" and the waist line almost under my arms... it looks a bit feminine to me? Anyway Purple watch...these floppy extensions of waist line..made a nice bow tie. And as seen from the photo, Legs shining newly waxed, what can go wrong?
Over all a success. I think I broke a record, only got rid of 14 cartoons of Cigarettes...well lets see, I'm still in Suez, we sum up on the other side where the sardine swims. Karin do you miss them?

I'm too sexy for my shirt... to sexy for my shirt...so sexy it hurts..
 Egyptian merchants trying to get the best "slot" alongside.
"Vulchers" mooving in, Munin has not even dropped anchor yet.
Ankomst Suez. Som vanligt i hamnar med "Marlboro regler" saa laddar jag mig lite mer officiellt.
Detta foer att inge lite lite mera respekt, vid foerhandlingar med myndigheter roerande deras "krav" och min vilja att tillgodose dito(antal limpor). Vid detta tillfaelle var det lite moerkt i min hytt saa jag saag inte riktigt hur byxorna saag ut naer jag tog ut dem ur min vaeska. Jag kaende naagot fladdrande tyg under linningen vilket jag tolkade som fickorna, aha..ut och in.. det fixar vi. Men neej de verkar vara lite korta ocksaa och linningen gaar ju helt upp under armarna? Det ser lite feminint ut tycker jag.
Ja ja, med lila klocka.."tygstycksfoerlaegningen" av linningen blev ju en fin rosett och med benen nyvaxat blaenkande(se foto). Vad kan bli fel? Det blev faktiskt succe'. Blev bara av med 14 limpor...okey fortvarande i Suez saa vi faar vael see vid summeringen, naer jag kommit oever till andra sidan, daer sardiner simmar. Karin saknar du byxan...?