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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pirates in Suits.

© Copyright by Jake Probelski 2003 - 2014
Picture curtesyJake Probelski 

Why do authorities allow financial institutions to keep on parasiting on the global economy. Turning a blind eye to ethics and morale, with all the "big words" of reform and changes, immediately after the last financial crisis fading into oblivion.
When will people wake up, to these corrupt bankers and politicians that are robbing us blind, we gladly accept "fees" for all kinds of transactions, but why? Please realize that the quicker we all adopt to digital currency, their stealing will stop. If A send money to B, then why should C get a % of that? Corrupt bankers and their allies governments are working hard to complicate and stop the digital currency revolution. News like this "might" dampen their efforts a bit, but we humans are fools that are easily led, and mislead, so the stealing will probably go on for a few more years..
I am so saddened about the process for global economic digitalisation taken so long time.

Greed and ignorance drives the "modern pirates" to try and have us believing that the digital currencies are "works of the devil" and darker forces which should be clamped down on.
"hey hey...wakee wakee", it is actually the US-Dollar that are financing most of the "darkness" on this planet, so why not clean up that mess?

 I am not very intelligent, just a believer in simplicity, gadgets and their developments.

Embrace the future... stop the Vulchers..

Most recent "discovered", clumsy act below, went public while the bigger scams from card companies, and banks etc. keeps harvesting every second...millions by millions...