Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Monday, September 16, 2013

Fixed Rotor Helicopter

Various types of helicopters.

It is not economical to bring the vessel alongside(go to port) for crew change, and sometimes the operation does not allow for us to leave the field. That is why we do quite a lot of helicopter operations  for crew changes, around the world. Helicopter flights can vary from one to two hours, shore to ship or ship to shore (one way).I have encountered  a few "choppers" over the last 6 years. Here's a few cought on camera. I am not very fond of them, but it is part of the job and I have to "bite the bullet".
We get a proper, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training(HUET) done every 3,5 year. That rather reminds me about the incredibly "bad situation" I expose myself to on a regular basis, instead of giving me some kind of comfort in, finding myself being able to get out of a submerged, water filled helicopter, after being hung, upside down, strapped in my seatbelt. Sorry but that's just the way I feel.

Here's a short film clip, showing an EC155 landing on two ocasions. It looks like she's got a "fixed" " rotor, it is just not turning. Pretty amazing. Skilled pilots flying on pure will, not using the engines 
ha ha.
Clip from Nigeria 

Haer ae ett kort filmklipp paa en EC155 som landar vid tvaa tillfaellen. Det ser ut som om den har en "fast rotor", den roer sig inte, ser haeftigt ut. Piloter som flyger paa bara viljan utan att anvaenda motorer, kul kul .

Olika typer av helikoptrar.
det aer oekonomiskt att ta fartyget till kaj foer besaettningsbyte, och ibland saa tillaater inte operationen att vi laemnar faeltet. Det aer anledningen till att vi goer en hel del helikopteroperationer foer  besaettnings byten, runt om i vaerlden. En helikopterresa kan variera emellan en till tvaa timmar, fraan land till fartyget eller vice versa(en vaeg). Jag har stoett paa en del helikoptrar under de senaste 6 aaren, haer aer naagra av dom som jag tagit bilder av. Jag aer inte saa glad i att flyga helikopter, men det aer ju en del av jobbet saa det aer bara att bita ihop.
Vi faar en ordentlig Helikopter Undervattnet Evakuerings Traening(HUET) vart 3,5:e aar. Men det snarare paaminner mig om vilken otroligt "taskig situation" jag utsaetter mig foer. I motsats till att bringa naagon sorts trygghet i att klara att ta sig ur en sjunken, vattenfylld helikopter, efter att ha varit haengande upp och ner i saekerhetsbaeltet. Det aer tyvaerr saa som jag kaenner det.

Sikorsky (S76c) Brazil  
Sikorsky (S92) Nigeria 
 Crew change on adjacent drillship (S92)
 (S76c) Brazil
 (S92) Landing Nigeria FPSO
 Crew change Harrier Explorer, Sikorsky (S61) Namibia
(SA365)Dauphin 2 India 
(SA365)Dauphin 2 India  
 Helideck by night
 (S92) The off shore "work horse"
 Helideck for Exercise walking and walking....
 Pop-up system test. With foam if the chopper crash
 (S92) Nigeria
 India SA365 Dauphin 2
 (S92) Landing on "Siem Marlin" sister to "Hugin Explorer"
Augusta Bell  (AB-412ep) Egypt
 PGS very positive seismic crew, East Med
 RAF Rescue helicopter(AB-412ep)
 Crew change Harrier Explorer (S76) Angola
 Turkish Navy (AB-212) can carry 2 Torpedos(Mk46), or 2 missiles
 Helideck, PM painting
(AW-139) USA