Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Properly Anchored Suez

Still in Suez, We will know in a couple of days, if, when and where we are going.
No problem for us. Weather is excellent, and a lot of traffic, so ship scouting is high on
the agenda. Amazing how many vessels passing here in 24 hour period.
Big income for the Egyptians.

Fortvarande i Suez. Vi faar om naagra dagar reda paa om, naer och vart vi skall ta vaegen.
Det gaar ingen noed paa oss. Vaedret aer fantastiskt. Det aer ocksaa mycket trafik, saa fartygs scouting staar hoegt paa agendan. Enastaaende hur maanga fartyg som passerar haer under 24 timmar.  Stor inkomst foer Egyptierna.

 Deck fitter Martin Lundborg.
 Maintenance on the aft mast.
 Munin lying and soaking in the sun.
Many of theese "super duper" box barges passing bye.