Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Clock around the Rock

“Bill and Haley”, “Dick and Tom” are frequently racing around the Rock with their war planes. As if a competition is on? UK military constantly making their presence known. Training and exercises, planes, boats, ribs and submarines. But we are not allowed to play with our Fast Rescue Boat.
Both UK and Spain have problems with smaller fast boats doing smuggling rounds in the area. So they do not want us to launch the boats. It is also prohibited to drive cars on all of the sandy beaches. Smugglers are lazy buggers and drive their cars all the way into the water for their "pick up's".

Engelska militaer flygplan flyger dagligen rundor runt “Klippan” som om vore det en taevling, eller rondellkoerningsoevning? Engelsk militaer demonstrerar flitigt sin naervaro genom flyg och flytetyg av olika slag, plan, baatar, ribbor och ubaatar. Men vi faar inte leka med vaaran snabba raeddnings baat. Baade England och Spanien har problem med smugglare utmed kusterna, saa de vill inte att vi sjoesaetter vaara baatar. Det aer aeven foerbjudet att koera bil paa deras milsvida straender. De lata smugglarna koer sina bilar helt ned till vattnet foer att haemta skeppningar med knark.
 Tornados "Clocking around the Rock"

 Hercules dropping supplies and people

 Foggie foggigen