Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Monday, November 28, 2011


Expected weather today, many other operators has “fled” the field, leaving us, Hugin & Munin to do “our thing”. Very good, because all other operations are complicating, and delaying our work. Weather still fine, we are progressing and are happy. (Burt the Bat, "took off" last night, he did not even say good bye:-(
Vi vaentade vaeder idag, men det kom nog paa skam. Maanga andra aktoerer har laemnat faeltet, saa det aer mycket laettare foer Hugin och Munin att koera paa, utan att foersenas av deras aktiviteter. Vi har fortsatt bra vaeder, saa vi verkar ha tur, och aer ju glada foer det.. 

Indien Musse laemnade igaar kvaell, utan att saega adjoe. Aer lite besviken :-(