Dynamically flexible beauty..

Dynamically flexible beauty..

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chicken, Duck and Quail Coup

It started with ducks,
Muscovy, One male "Bert" and his 3 women  "Bonnie, Poll and Fantomåne".
Striving for to get "all ducks in a row", next up was... 
Call ducks! Male Ceasar and his girlfriend Cinnamon.
4 newcomers, unfortunately turned up to be only one female and three boys...
The three boys on occasion running around, thinking they are running the show, fearing nothing.

Purpose was to get rid of the sleazy snails "grass crawlers" summer time.
A few hen was also in the planning for egg support...(also said to attack snails and mice).
But buying chickens, you do not always know what you get so unfortunately there are now too many roosters and the egg production is thus limping...

But never mind, they are adorable creatures, and just watching the dynamics in the coup is rewarding enough. I love spending the afternoon with a cigar and my feathered friends..relaxing.

 Hedemora Hen on the left and a Frizzle Bantam Cochin Rooster on the right(Magnum).
 Bert with "Entourage" inspecting the grounds..
 Bert in his splendor 
 Training Gino in "cross breed social skills"
 A female Goosander(StorskrakeSWE), prepared and nested, in the old oak in our garden for a good few weeks. But sadly after my return from work, I found egg shells below the three, so I think some "predator" got too her eggs before they hatched. On two occasions there were also one more female bird in company(maybe mother nature adopting to the human same sex living). Hopefully they will be back for the next season, and give it another try..?

 The pond of Hellekis, noticed this years litter on our walk the other day..
 Fantomåne, has got into the habit of breaking out every morning the last week. We have now found the means of escape...... she flies up onto the roof of the quail house, then flies thru the roof net, where we found one thread broken, giving her the "wing span" to escape. She's lucky, so far that the Fox has not starting his "local" rounds yet.
Bantam Wyandotte "Marion"
Dutch Bantam
 Polish Crested "Rooster named Kaxiga Karin"

 "Ove" Fifty five flowery, (being all white??)The "Top-bird" A proper Rooster, practicing "Management by fear".
"Kicking"(jumping) even the hand that feeds him. He is very much like a Soviet WW2 soldier, marching forward shouting Hurraaa! straight into the rain of bullets...
Ove only have Attack programmed in his software, never ever fleeing or even dodge anything coming his way. This is a bit reassuring as the fox hole is only 400 meters away.  

Yellow Polish Crested "Anita"
 Brahma "Rickards" impressive legs.
 "Rickard! being the "Swarzeneger" or "Belgian Blue" of the coup, whose pure size intimidate even Bert and his girls, but he is very gentle, kind and curious. Rickard behaves more like the UN-mediator, whenever "Ove" is throwing a fit, Rickard goes in between, and put a damper on things.

Call duck gang...
At the top of the picture is our first one, "Ceasar"(purple side), below right is his girlfriend "Cinnamon"(all black). To the left, peach colored "Bachelorette". Finally, centered right, the three "juvenile delinquents" running around irritating most of the coups individuals, trying to impress the "Bachelorette", who are the noisiest of the bunch, personifying their breed name "Call duck"      
 Hotel "Quail a' Lumpur" One Male and three hen residing.
 Lettuce bonanza..very popular.
British Tailed Lavender Araucana.
 Frizzle bantam cochin "Magnum".

"Kaxiga Karin", and "Ove" are the most cocky rosters in the coup. But their calling is the average, 
every day "Cockatoo" you  can imagine. Same one  note, slowly fading away in the end. Young "Magnum" however, is the Pavarotti of the bunch..rarely showing his talent(saving his vocal cords), but calling in three distinct notes,"D-H-G" and rock solid pitch, as a Sailor at the helm in the roaring forties. 

And you were saying...

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