"export-hose" vaning from its stern. When this hose change direction, is the first indication of that something is in the making.
Detta projektet utgoer inte bara en utmaning naer det gaeller vaeder. Daer till kan laeggas att de flytande produktionsplatformarna som vi arbetar runt och under, inte aer fast foerankrade utan roer sig omring en s.k "Turrett". Ett slags "hjul "belaeget i centerlinjen ofta laangt foerut i fartyget. Detta hjulet(Turreten) aer foerankrad med wire och ankare i havsbtten, och all kontakt med undervattens strukturer och "raisers" gaar upp igenom detta hjul. Fartyget sjaelvt aer fritt och roer sig 360 grader runt detta hjul, vartefter stroem och vind saetter det. Att arbete taett intill detta "shabrak" aer lite trixigt. Man maaste ju foermoda att fartyget ploetsligt skall komma drivande emot oss. Naer vi har all utrustning sjoesatt saa kan vi endast faerdas i 0,3 knop, saa vi paa bryggan aer lite paa helspaenn vid de tillfaellena. Som graedde paa moset saa har en av dessa godingar dessutom en "export" slang paa 345 meter faest i haecken. Saa naer den rackarn aendrar riktning, aer det en god indikation paa att naagot aer paa gaang.
Drawing, Vaning Turret FPSO . Tanker on the export hose receiving oil.
Supplies to and from The FPSO
A Diving Support Vessel (DSV)busy in the field
Another FPSO
Early morning shot
Busy busy
Munins FRC personal transfer
Night view close passing
Munin FRC heading home
DPO's planning their difficult task (Oh..yeahh!!acting the role)
Munin shooting
Munin resupplying provisions
Ch.Off and Bosun
Munin bringing provisions.
Munin FRC
Munin alongside receiving fuel from us.
Work work
Cool work..cool dude..
Cool work cooler dude..(by seniority)
Sub sea work
Clouds and rain, like North Sea, just a bit warmer.
FPSO etc...
"Doctor Mickey" Ch.Elec we sailed together already 32 years ago
"Bosse" Ch.Eng with his little red one
S76 chopper in for landing, "pick one pax".
Subsea Equipment Suport Vessel(SESV) Very nice vessel.
Vaning hose from the stern of the FPSO
A couple of hours later it was daylight...and time for fishing
DPO's planning their difficult task (Oh..yeahh!!acting the role)
Munin shooting
Munin resupplying provisions
Ch.Off and Bosun
Munin bringing provisions.
Munin FRC
Munin alongside receiving fuel from us.
Work work
Cool work..cool dude..
Cool work cooler dude..(by seniority)
Sub sea work
Clouds and rain, like North Sea, just a bit warmer.
FPSO etc...
"Doctor Mickey" Ch.Elec we sailed together already 32 years ago
"Bosse" Ch.Eng with his little red one
S76 chopper in for landing, "pick one pax".
Subsea Equipment Suport Vessel(SESV) Very nice vessel.
A couple of hours later it was daylight...and time for fishing
A bird couple, or a couple of birds...